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Spring Term Dates 2025 
Saturday 11th January - 22nd March


Junior Film Production
Ages 6-11 (Years 2-6)
Saturdays 10.45-11.30pm

Film classes for our Junior students focus on creativity and fun! 

Students learn the basics of acting for the screen, with a great emphasis on the creation of their own work.

They also enjoy learning about all the technical aspects of film making and have the opportunity to be the sound operator, camera person and film director.

Our students have great fun writing their own scripts and as well as recreating their favourite Film & TV scenes.

Film students have the opportunity to present their work at an annual screening.

Intermediate Film Production
Ages 11-14 (Years 7-9)
Saturdays 11.30-12.30pm

Intermediate Classes build upon the basics, with an emphasis on screen acting techniques as well as technical skills such as storyboarding, script-writing & camera & sound operation.

Students benefit from masterclasses with screen actors and directors.

Students have the opportunity to enter their finished films into festivals and attend an annual screening of their work. 


Senior Film Production
Ages 14-16 (Years 10-11)

Saturdays 9.45-10.45am

Our Senior film students continue to develop their screen acting skills with an emphasis on teaching the differences between stage and screen techniques. 

Students also enjoy learning about all the technical aspects of film making and have the opportunity to be the sound operator, camera person and film director.

Our students are encouraged to write their own scripts as well as recreating their favourite Film & TV scenes.

Senior students are also taught how to film an effective video auditions for casting opportunities.

Our film students have the opportunity to present their work at an annual screening.
Our Senior students came runner-up in the Into Film Film Competition 2022 and were shortlisted for Northampton Film Festival 2023.

Advanced Film

Ages 16-21
Saturdays 9.45-10.45am

Our Advanced Film Production classes are for young adults with an interest in a career in film and media. We run these classes like a production company, with each student taking on either a production or acting role during filming. Roles include screenwriting, directing, acting, camera operator, sound, continuity and post-production.
We regularly enter our finished films for festivals and competitions. 
Our Advanced students came runner-up in the Into Film Film Competition 2022 and were shortlisted for Northampton Film Festival 2023.

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